Featured Articles Sid Chadwick

Sid reviews how many organizations only realize they have a new account when an order comes in. Their reps often pursue prospects without a detailed review, wasting time and resources by not evaluating the prospects. What are your Reps costing the organization each week?

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Sid’s column discusses how suppliers often lack self-promotion and supporting collateral, leaving customers unaware of their full capabilities. This gap can result in significant missed opportunities. It was pretty easy for him to uncover well over $500,000 of annual repeat business from current customers – that our client is not receiving…from cur...

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  By Sid Chadwick …Do You Use Samples …To Win Customers Time…Trust…and  Revenues…? “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” ………………………Albert Einstein INTRODUCTION: Too many organizations in our great industry are not committed - to education and training – especially of their Business Development Team. The following ou...

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